Carbon Sequestration
Jun 17 2011
NYSCI's picture
Source: NYSCI
Summary Information


carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas, climate change, global warming, carbon cycle, tree, sequestration, carbon sink, biomass


Earth Science

Workplace Skills: 

Secondary Research
Use of Data
Recording & Reporting

Estimated Time Required:

2-3 hours

Target Grade (Ages):

Grade 7 (Ages 12-13)

Diversity Indicators:

This lesson requires students to go outside and measure trees at a height of 4.5 feet off the ground which may be challenging for students with limited mobility.

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Carbon sequestration is the

Elsa Cullen's picture
Carbon sequestration is the process involved in carbon capture and the long-term storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide. San Jose SEO Company Carbon sequestration involves long-term storage of carbon dioxide or other forms of carbon to mitigate or defer global warming.

Nature's fine treatment of

itseliza's picture
Nature's fine treatment of carbon dioxide in our air has served the planet exceptionally well. Custom Essays Writer. Up until man's mechanical unrest that has now tossed the world's carbon dioxide sinks out of adjust. For instance, our seas have retained so much carbon dioxide, they are getting to be noticeably soaked and acidic

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Me parece una unidad

Yair Eliel Vázquez Cruz's picture
Me parece una unidad totalmente fundamentada, tiene un propósito claro y toma en cuenta un tema muy importante hoy en día, que son las emiciones de CO2 el principal causante del efecto invernadero, haciendo que los estudiantes reflexionen acerca del impacto ambiental que se vive al talar tan solo un arbol y me parece perfecto que los hagas calcular cuanto arboles tendrían que plantarse para compensar el daño. En general muy especifico la forma de trabajo, recursos etc.. muchas gracias por compartir.

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