Maryland: Product Lifecycle


Lesson Plan: 


Standards/Curriculum Information: 

e. Participate in multiple experiences to verify that science investigations generally work the same way in different places. (Grades PreK - 2) [2005]

b. Describe ways that people and other animals manage to bring the things they need from their environment into their bodies. (Grade: K) [2005]

c. Describe ways that animals and plants found in each place interact, with each other and with their environment. (Grade: K) [2005]

b. Describe any observable activity displayed by these organisms. (Grade: 3) [2005]

c. Provide reasons that support the conclusion that these organisms are alive. (Grade: 3) [2005]

d. Use information gathered about these minute organisms to compare mechanisms they have to satisfy their basic needs to those used by larger organisms. (Grade: 3) [2005]

e. Recognize that doing science involves many different kinds of work and engages men and women of all ages and backgrounds. (Grades 3 - 5) [2005]

a. Identify and describe that human activities in a community or region are affected by environmental factors, such as presence and quality of water, soil type, temperature, and precipitation. (Grade: 4) [2005]

c. Identify and describe how the natural change process may be affected by human activities, such as agriculture, beach preservation, mining, development/construction, and stream/river alteration. (Grade: 6) [2005]

The student will describe how energy and matter transfer affect Earth systems. (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

The student will explain how global conditions are affected when natural and human-induced change alter the transfer of energy and matter. (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

The student will be able to compare the transfer and use of matter and energy in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms. (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

The student will illustrate how all organisms are part of and depend on two major global food webs that are positively or negatively influenced by human activity and technology. (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

The student will demonstrate that matter cycles through and between living systems and the physical environment constantly being recombined in different ways.At least — nitrogen cycle carbon cycle phosphorus cycle (rock/mineral) hydrologic cycle (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

The student will evaluate the interrelationship between humans and energy resources.At least — renewable nonrenewable human health (Grades 9 - 12) [2002]

b. Cite evidence from research and observations that organisms that eat plants or animals break down what they have consumed (food) to produce the materials and energy they need to survive or store for later use. (Grade: 7) [2008]

e. Ask and seek answers to questions about the fact that transfer of matter between organisms continues indefinitely because organisms are decomposed after death to return food materials to the environment. (Grade: 7) [2008]

b. Identify the relationship between the amount of energy transferred (work) to the product of the applied force and the distance moved in the direction of that force. (Grade: 8) [2008]

a. Identify and describe the various forms of energy that are transformed in order for systems (living and non-living) to operate.Chemical - Flashlight battery-LightMechanical - Pulleys-MotionSolar/Radiant - Solar calculatorChemical - Plant cells(Grade: 8) [2008]

c. Identify the reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction given a symbolic equation, a word equation, or a description of the reaction. (Grade: 8) [2008]


Standard/Curriculum Type: