Lesson Plan:
Standards/Curriculum Information:
From Cradle to Grave: Product Lifecycles: Links to MN Academic Standards in Science (2009)
Contributed by the Minnesota High Tech Association.
Strand: Substrand | Code, Benchmark & Science Frameworks Link |
The nature of science and engineering: The practice of engineering
| Describe the positive and negative impacts that the designed world has on the natural world as more and more engineered products and services are created and used. http://scimathmn.org/stemtc/frameworks/4121-practice-engineering
The nature of science and engineering: The practice of engineering
| Describe the trade-offs in using manufactured products in terms of features, performance, durability and cost. http://scimathmn.org/stemtc/frameworks/6121-engineers
The nature of science and engineering: The practice of engineering | Explain and give examples of how, in the design of a device, engineers consider how it is to be manufactured, operated, maintained, replaced and disposed of. http://scimathmn.org/stemtc/frameworks/9121-addressing-human-need