Introduction to wearables
Wearables refer to clothing and accessories that have computers and advanced electronic technologies incorporated into it.
Some forms of wearable include: Watches, smart jackets, chest strap for heart rate monitoring, smart socks with impact sensors
● Wearables are most commonly used in sports and fitness for monitoring heart rate, distance covered (pedometer), running speed, calories burnt etc.
● In professional sports, wearable technology in the form of inertial sensors are used to monitor the performance of athletes
● Wearables also have widespread application in the healthcare sector, for example in measuring vital health statistics and indicators of patients.
● Increasingly, wearables can function as tracking devices (GPS function) – from monitoring the whereabouts of elderly and the disabled to enabling caretakers to monitor dementia patients from remote locations
● Less commonly seen are applications in smart homes e.g.controlling light switches using wearables.
Explaining wearable technology
Main features of wearables are
- Sensors for inputs (pressure, temperature, accelerometer etc)
- Capability to communicate with other devices to transmit data
- Analog to Digital conversion