Instructional Resources
Introduction –
Ascertain students’ prior knowledge about the importance and ways of being free from diseases for healthy living. Kindle their minds by encouraging a large group discussion about the need to know the working of the body thoroughly to be able to recognise the symptoms of various diseases and further research and find the cure. Put forward some questions like:
- Why has the human life span increased manifold since 1900?
- When do you feel the need to visit a doctor? How are the medicines listed in the doctor’s prescription made?
- Without looking inside the body how is it possible to know the cause of the disease?
- Explain how these two are related to our health; the environment and an engineer?
Conclude the discussion by showing them the video with link
which will also recapitulate the required prerequisite knowledge and introduce them to the term microorganisms. If time permits take them through the PPT using link
to educate on the types of microbes/ Pathogens that cause different diseases. This will give an overview of the chapter and an opening to the activities.
Divide the class in groups of 6 and give each group a K-W-H-L chart. Have each group fill ‘K, ‘W’ and ‘H’ columns about symptoms and causes of diseases and how to prevent them. Check and discuss K-W-H-L charts with each group.
Inform the students that they are going to designartificial lungs, diaphragm and trachea to simulate our respiratory system and demonstrating the same, they also need to develop a documentary explaining the how and why(pollution, smoking etc) of the common respiratory diseases and what steps, if taken together, can make a difference and prevent these diseases.The documentary also needs to unfold the various microbes that cause many diseases highlighting their symptoms and prevention.
- Pass the set of material to each group.
- Instruct the students that they have to createartificial lungs to simulate the respiratory system. They can refer to their handbooks for the step by step procedure of the same.
- Students will spend time in investigating, planning, designing, creating, and evaluating a model simulating breathing and an awareness campaign with the help of a documentary.
Integration of the concept with other STEM Subjects:
Topic as integrated with Engineering - Biomedical engineers work with doctors and surgeons to design medical technologies, tools, equipment and procedures, chemical engineers design medicines, and civil and environmental engineers create infrastructure that provides drinking water treatment, waste water treatment and air quality.
Topic as integrated with ELA (English language art) -Improving vocabulary by learning new terms and meanings, making inferences, noting analysis and summarizing.
Topic as integrated with Computer Science- Creating a documentary using video editing computer and video editing software.